Auditor Validation
Annual validation is recommended for auditors to remain up-to-date with their knowledge of the 5 Moments definitions and audit practices. All trained auditors should complete annual validation to maintain their auditor status.
Annual validation recommendations include:
- Collection of at least 100 moments
- Completion of the Annual Auditor Online Learning Module
It is the responsibility of the Hand hygiene lead for each organisation to ensure all auditors meet their annual validation requirements. Auditors who have not met the above criteria should discuss this with their hand hygiene lead to create a plan to regain validated auditor status.
Lapsed auditor recommendations include:
- Completion of an auditor learning module
- Further theory training with the hand hygiene lead/ other auditor
- Practical auditing training with the hand hygiene lead/ other auditor
Once deemed suitably retrained, the auditor is considered validated and can resume data collection for their organisation.