Promotional Materials
HHA promotional materials provided have been developed by the National HHA Team to support implementation of local hand hygiene programs.
All promotional material are avaliable electronically for individuals to download, display, print and reproduce in unaltered form only (retaining this notice, and any headers and footers) for personal, non-commercial use or for use within your organisation. You may distribute any copies of downloaded material in unaltered, complete form only. All other rights are reserved.
HHA do not produce or distribute hard copies of any promotional items or materials, including posters. Organisations are encouraged to adapt resources to their own needs, however, if the resources are modified in any way, the Hand Hygiene Australia logo should not be used. Instead, Hand Hygiene Australia should be acknowledged as the original source, and the resource referenced appropriately.
Resources shared with HHA are also provided for personal, non-commercial use or for use within your organisation by the relevant organisation. For materials developed by the World Health Organsiation, please refer to the WHO copyright webpage.