HHA Workshop at ACIPC 2014

Hand Hygiene Promotion in Australia - Success at the Front Line

Hand Hygiene Australia sponsored a pre-conference workshop at the ACIPC Conference in Adelaide on 23 November 2014. The workshop was an opportunity to discuss implementation issues and to hear about successful and innovative approaches from front line staff.

Presentations from the workshop

Please click on the name of the presentation you wish to view in video format.
Please note each video is a large file.

  • Opening Address - Prof Chris Baggoley AO, Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health


Monitoring and Performance Feedback

Ownership and Sustainability

Approaches to Common Challenges

  • Bare below the elbows - A/Prof Rhonda Stuart, Medical Director, Infection Prevention & Epidemiology, Monash Health
  • Engaging visiting staff - Ms Marlize Senekal, Infection Prevention and Control Coordinator, St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital
  • Engaging medical staff  - Mrs Brenda Thomas, Hand Hygiene Portfolio Coordinator, Royal Hoabrt Hospital and Mrs Rachel Thomson, Nurse Unit Manager, Infection Prevention & Control Unit, Royal Hobart Hospital