HHA Workshop ACIPC 2018 - Hand Hygiene - Then, Now & Beyond

Hand hygiene outcomes & future directions

Welcome & Hand hygiene - outcomes from the NHHI 2010 - 2017

Prof Lindsay Grayson
Director, HHA


Where to from here? Future directions for hand hygiene

Sally Havers
National Project Manager, HHA


Going "Next Level"

Kate Ryan
Project Officer, HHA


Hand hygiene activities - day-to-day integration of your hand hygiene program

Karen Olsen
Project Officer, HHA


HHA Concept Workshop

A facilitated participant workshop to support improved HCW education - " From passive listeners to activated feedback recipients"

Video for this session is unable to be shown due to copyright of the materials used during the workshop. HHA are planning on creating new materials for general distribution in 2019.


Innovations in Hand Hygiene

Changing direction - one organisation's experience

Kirsty Graham
Nurse Manager, Infection Prevention and Control
Gosford Hospital, NSW


Building structure to improve hand hygiene

Kim Fuller Sale
Infection Control Representative, Dental Section
Richmond Health Centre
Defence Force


Embedding hand hygiene in a private blood collection service

Nicole Sutherland & Helen Buck
Pathlogy Collectors
Qld Medical Laboratories


Important emerging issues in hand hygiene

Prof Lindsay Grayson
Director, HHA